was one of our
for the Council
in talks with
the FCC

You are in the right place to find advocacy information and guidance

The Washington Council of the Blind (WCB) offers advocacy assistance, walking people through the steps necessary to resolve problems. We have a great track record. Each year we assist people with issues involving employment, housing, education, etc.

WCB Advocacy Committee

Well versed in ADA reasonable accommodation and conflict resolution, you can expect excellent advice and resources. Privacy is protected. Call the WCB Buzzline at (800) 255-1147.

WCB Families

Parents, you are not alone! You have a strong community support system. Connect and find opportunties for your kids. Call the WCB Bluzzline at (800) 255-1147. The Council is a safe place to learn and take part in the democratic process.

WCB Cares Committee

It's all about relationships. Join WCB and you become part of a big, extended family across the state. We reach out to those in crisis.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Homepage

This is the official website of the Americans With Disabilities Act. Gain information and technical assistance with all of your ADA questions.

ADA National Network Courses

Free and certificate Web-based courses

The American Foundation for the Blind Advocacy Center

AFB now offers brochures and other documents to assist with advocacy for the specialized services we need.

Disability Rights News

This online newsletter provides a quick way to stay informed on the issues across the whole disability spectrum.

The Web Accessibility Initiative now offers guidelines for contacting organizations about inaccessible Websites. Sample e-mails are provided.

Five steps to self advocacy

Self advocacy is an excellent tool to encourage change in your community and/or workplace. Self advocacy is a process and includes the following steps:

  1. Know the Law - Federal laws such as the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Amendments Act. (FHAA) - State laws - Local Laws and Ordinance
  2. Develop and use your resources - Government / Elected Officials - Local Code Enforcement Officers - Advocacy Organizations – Local and National
  3. Assert yourself - Make contact with your resources via phone and email, etc. When the session is over, invite your legislator out for coffee. Have your talking points ready.
  4. Ask for change - Join consumer organizations - Arrange meetings - Make specific requests
  5. Follow up - Always thank your representatives for their time and service